Monday, November 2, 2009

In Alaska...

Alright, I've been as bad about posting as I was about writing in Troah's journal :S But we are now in alaska with daddy! Troah and Daddy are two peas in a pod, Troah acts like they have always been together and most of the time he is reaching for Ernest instead of me, oh well! He is walking all over the place (from the front door to the kitchen sink and back...and forth and back and forth and back and forth) So far is vocab consists of "Dad" "Uh Oh" "Mmm Mmm Mmm" (when we eat food). He likes to yell and whisper (especially at Daddy) and he started blowing on his food when he saw me doing it one day. He is so adorable and has everyone wrapped around his finger, now time for me to go to sleep!!

Oh, he also has a favorite ball which also happens to be Rodie's favorite ball, blue bouncy ball with different colors all over it, and Troah started picking it up and walking then throwing it for Rodie (he started this today!) Then I have to chase Rodie down to get it back for Troah, but they love it!!

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