Thursday, August 6, 2009


This is an update on my sweet baby boy, Troah Miguel! I'm going to start out with his newest accomplishments because if I try to get up to date I'll probably never get there and always be behind :S So here we go... Troah is 9 months old as of July 24, so today he is exactly 9 months, 1 week and 6 days :) I can't believe how fast he is growing!! His first tooth just cut through today! It has been on the verge for a few days but it's finally here! I keep trying to get a good look at it but he sticks his tongue out whenever I try to pull his lip out of the way. I can sure feel it though, especially when he gives me "kisses" and sucks on my chin, now I'm getting more of a bite! My little baby vampire...:p just kidding.

Here is a list of the things he has been doing that is cute:

  • When he wakes up in the morning he'll scratch the mesh on the side of his crib until I sit up then I'll see him sitting there staring at me waiting, and when he see's me he gets a huge grin and reaches for me then cuddles in bed with me.
  • His favorite toy is a little tunnel that Ernest got him and he'll crawl underneath it and sit there and play for a while! He has taken to grabbing the sides of it and rocking it back and forth till it tips over.
  • He says "mamamama" when he's upset "dadadada" when he's happy and "nananana" (like banana's) when he's hungry.
  • When he's sitting on my lap he'll grab my hands and slide off dragging me with him so I help him walk (and run) around the house.
  • He likes to talk, he'll go "uh....uh.....uhhhhhh" all day long, and usually he gets louder and louder!

That's all I'm writing for now, but I'll keep up with all the cute stuff he's doing!

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